

Dionysia - a divine nightmare - was a contemporary re-imagining of Euripides’ ancient Greek tragedy The Bacchae. Emphasis being on the ensemble work, we utilized the methods of devising to create a sensual, choreographed, scenic language. The piece was constructed out of conceptualized scenarios created around the essence of the play: the otherness. This physical and visually arresting performance was streamed live in collaboration with Backstage Live reaching over 1000 viewers.

I played the parts of a woman of Bacchae and Herdsman alongside the demi-god Dionysos as the manifestation of Dionysos traveled thought the entire cast.

Creators & Performers Atte Hänninen, Karri Karjalainen, Minna Koponen, Delya Messadi, Henna Mäki-Filppula, Ina Raunio, Anna Reini, Milda Sutkeviciute

Director Lars Henning

Graphic Design Anja Kajinic

Photography Anja Kajinic & Constantin Gindele

Produced by CISPA & Backstage Live


From Morning to Midnight


Black Tie